I am going to be updating this blog with sessions I have done. This way my Facebook page can remain sneak peeks and this can now be for full sessions. Hopefully the images will stay true to form this way!
Anyhoo, I am thrilled to be doing this but am a little nervous. I am such a scatterbrain I am worried I am going to forget to update! So if it's been a while since I have updated this hang in there, I am sure my brain will catch up with me sometime!
So a bit about me to anyone who is interested: I am a mom of 2 precious little monsters! Baby boy and Baby girl as I affectionately call them on the inter-web! They are 13 months apart and I hear one day I will be very happy about their closeness in age. As of right now I am still waiting for that day and enjoying my wine at night! I have been married for 5 years and everyday I thank God my husband puts up with me. I am a super random person who likes tangents and a woman's "spider web" form of conversation, if you don't now what that means just listen to a conversation between my mom and me - we will discuss 50 things in 5 mins, rarely finishing a sentence but eventually covering all topics fully. I am the least competitive person you will probably ever meet. I am a people-pleaser and oddly proud of that! When I go to Target and see stripes on anything I immediately want to buy it! My favorite color is black {unless someone forces me to choose an actual color and then it's green}. I wear mostly black, have mostly black furniture, and love black and white photos. There is more random facts about little old me on another page - so if you are soaking up this information like a true Facebook stalker head on over there.
That's all for now. I will try to post something fun and exciting for you all tomorrow.
Til then --- TTFN :-)
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